Why Your FL Thanksgiving Crash May Have Been the Other Driver’s Fault


The holidays are a peak time for traveling in the US, especially around Thanksgiving. Millions of people are traveling around the country to see their families or to visit popular vacation spots during their time off.


This means that places like Florida (and other popular vacation destinations) see a huge uptick in car accidents from inexperienced or lost drivers failing to handle new traffic

The Scourge of Drowsy Driving in Florida


We all know that driving under the influence is a big no-no. So, most of us avoid drinking or using drugs at all before driving. However, did you know that drowsy driving is nearly as dangerous as driving under the influence?


Before you pull another late-nighter on the road, you should understand the serious risks associated with driving when you’re tired.


How Big

Try to Stay Off These Dangerous Florida Roads


Auto accidents can happen anywhere and at any time — but some places in Florida seem to be accident hotspots.


Florida is actually infamous for its dangerous roads. On these dangerous roads, accidents are more common and tend to be more serious, too. Four of the five deadliest highways in the nation, in fact, are located in the sunshine state.


So today, we’ve

You Just Got into a Florida Car Crash – What Should You Do?


Chances are you’ll be involved in a car crash at some point in your life. Any type of car accident is unnerving, causing many car accident victims to make mistakes at the scene.


Even the smallest slip up can greatly affect one’s liability claim an/or ability to seek damages down the road.


Knowing exactly what to do (and what not to do) at the

In a Florida Car Crash? Watch Out for These Injuries

Even a relatively minor car accident is a frightening experience that can leave you stunned in disbelief. Your body is probably working in overdrive to work out whether this is a situation of fight or flight.

Many don’t even realize they’ve suffered an injury until hours after an accident due to shock or adrenaline. Some injuries may not be apparent until the next day.

That is

Florida Parents: Why Having the Right Car Seat Is So Important


The State of Florida says all children under the age of five are required to be harnessed in a car seat during travel in motor vehicles. Sounds simple, right? But it’s not.


In fact, Florida traffic laws have an entire section dedicated to child restraint requirements in a motor vehicle, and every car seat must be crash-tested and federally approved. Despite this, CDC records